
I've been shooting these images of Mary since a trip to Tucson, where I was impressed by how ubiquitous and how quasi-Xian or even pagan the depictions of Mary are. Then returning to Toronto to my neighbourhood with the Mary-in-a-bathtub shrines in the front yards (I fear their days are past, they've been judged and found tacky). These aren't intended to be sacrilegious in the sense of insulting Mary, but they are not what you could call theologically correct. Anima rising.

The first image I shot was Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 4558, the matchbox a present from a friend. The other Maries you see here were all found. Or alternately they found me. The choice of things to pair Her with was largely intuitive. Some of these pieces have shown at garner narrative gallery.

Beata Maria Tulipa tarda 1608

Nostra Signora del Rudbeckia 2608

Notre Dame des poires 2473

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 4558

Nuestra Señora de los Poblanos 4974

Onze Lieve Vrouw van de tulpen 0238

Our Lady of the Okra 4921

Theotokos Diospyros 4507

Unsere Liebe Frau von der Spargel 8550